Furniture Branding Spearheads Home Furnishings Association’s Centennial Campaign Paying Tribute to Retailers
100 x 100 – The Voices of a New Era was created to recognize the furniture retail community’s contributions during challenging times.
The Home Furnishings Association (HFA) began 2020 by celebrating its 100 Year Anniversary, but the Covid-19 outbreak soon changed everyone’s focus. HFA immediately turned its attention to helping furniture retailers work through unprecedented challenges.
“Retailers came together to form the association so they could collectively battle threats to the industry, learn best practices from each other and tap into new resources that could grow their business,” said Mark Schumacher, CEO of HFA. “That is exactly what we have been called to do during this crisis.”
“We also realized that with everyone spending more time at home,” Schumacher said, “that furniture retailers have a critical role in helping Americans make their living spaces more comfortable and functional – for work, for their children’s home-schooling or just for having a refuge from anxieties and restrictions. Home furnishings are essential for our quality of life and peace of mind.”
Soon, the HFA, working with its marketing agency partner, Furniture Branding, landed on the idea of paying tribute to retailers by sharing their stories across the retail community.
“HFA was formed out of big challenges confronting the industry. In 1920, we were dealing with the Spanish Flu,” said Jesús Capó, President of HFA and Vice President of El Dorado Furniture. “It’s a remarkable coincidence that our Centennial saw this big new challenge in 2020. It only seems appropriate that we observe our Centennial by focusing our attention on the retailers that make this industry so special.”
The new campaign is called 100×100 – The Voices of a New Era. It focuses on retailers and their unique stories. HFA invites them to create and submit video content and imagery that present the story they want to tell.
Retailers can visit www.myhfa.org/100 to see a launch video featuring Capó and to learn more about the campaign, including how they can participate. The campaign will take place in Instagram (@my_hfa), including IGTV, as well as HFA’s various social platforms. The landing page will also house the videos as they are released. There is no cost to participate, and no requirement to submit highly professional content. The agency is seeking both professional and organic content, which it can edit to produce finished content.
“Several engaged retailers have already started the process of creating unique content to share. Some retailers are also celebrating a big anniversary, while others have found new avenues to succeed during the pandemic,” said Jason Pires, creative director and owner of Furniture Branding. Pires is spearheading the campaign. “It’s these unique stories that we want each retailer to author and share; it’s up to them. It’s exciting that HFA can help decentralize the conversations happening in the industry and further broaden the horizon,” he added.
The Home Furnishings Association was launched in 1920 by retailers for retailers who wanted to cooperate in purchasing and to combine their voices for advocacy in government. With more than 1,400 members operating more than 7,000 storefronts, the Home Furnishings Association now helps furniture retailers meet their needs through four pillars of leadership: Community, Advocacy, Resources and Education. This includes support for financial services, marketing, logistics, insurance, human resources and many other challenges.
About the Home Furnishings Association:
With roots dating to 1920, the Home Furnishings Association is the nation’s only trade association devoted exclusively to the needs and interests of home furnishings retailers. Our business has one priority: the success of more than 1,400 members and their 7,000 storefronts. The world is changing, and the HFA is here to help its members stay ahead. HFA creates opportunities for retailers to connect with each other at markets, conferences and special events, learn how to satisfy and delight customers, and find better ways to run profitable businesses that contribute to their communities and provide good jobs. With your company’s HFA membership, all employees are members. You and your team have access to tools and resources to help you and your business thrive. Most importantly, you become a part of a community of peers who want to share in the industry’s success just like the founding members did 100 years ago. For more information on the HFA, visit www.myhfa.org.
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